January 4, 2010

Bitter and Sweet!

Last night we took all the Christmas decorations down. I am always a little sad after Christmas is over. We made new memories as well as kept up old traditions. I have conflicting emotions being on the brink of a new year. The old year is gone. It is part of the past we put behind us (along with my 20's).

BUT a new year is beginning. Having the Christmas tree and decorations (clutter) out makes my home feel new again! This reminds me of all the things I want to do in 2010! It will be a great year!

I want to improve my garden this year (MORE TOMATOES!!!), work on knitting something really hard, learn a new skill (I have no idea what), explore with my kids, spend time with them. I have so many date nights planned for Leon and I now that his schedule will be winding down again. There are so many things we need to do, and many we want to do as well, in our homeschool. I want to get to know my neighbors more.

I hate making "New Year's Resolutions" because they seem so cliche'. But it is hard not to make new plans when you are on the start of something new. I do plan to exercise more and feed my family healthier. (Squirrel!)I want to learn more ways I can live frugally. I want to contribute to my community. I want to be SUPER MOM!

Overachievers UNITE!!!...AND CONQUER!!!

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