November 24, 2012

What I Do Now

Lately, all of my time is filled with schedules, inventory, supply orders, revenue, school lunches, car lines, homework assistance, football, soccer, parent-teacher meetings, doctors appointments, housework, and much more. I have very little free time. I thought I was busy as a homeschool mom. It didn't hold a candle to what I do now. Which is ironic considering all of the public school moms I knew used to tell me all the time that they didn't know how I did it.

Instead of having hours at a time to blog, read, knit, garden, and whatever. I only have 15 minutes here and there. I try to make those few minutes count. It's a completely different lifestyle than I did a year ago.

My life revolves mostly around my work now, instead of my home. Although the kids and my husband still have top priority. I just no longer feel like a "home maker". Some days I feel a little sad. I miss my old life.

I get way more accomplished in shorter amounts of time. I have weekends off. When I was working part-time I worked almost every weekend. Having freedom to make plans with my family for the weekends is a definite bonus.

Time moves really fast. I show up for work between 8am and 9am. It seems that I start in on all my tasks, and next thing I know, the day is over and I pack up to head home.

Thankfully, I still have Kelsea at home this year. She is a huge help with housework and getting the youngest from school in the afternoons. She'll be off to college classes this time next year. I don't know what I'll do without her.

The kids seem to be doing well in public school. It's been a big adjustment. The older two are thriving socially. The youngest is having the hardest time. He'd rather be at home.

Like the homeschool decision, we will take all of this year by year.
