January 22, 2008

Mandy's Treasure Cove

This title is very fitting for where I am right now. In the last year I have come to appreciate my family more. My brother in law died a very sudden death January of 07. It was very hard for all of us, especially my husband. We drew closer together in that time of sorrow.

Last summer Leon damaged his knee. It required surgery (which meant alot of time out of work). I went back to work with the intention of us saving my paycheck so we could buy a house. Leon's absence from work made us dependent on my income.

While working I continued to homeschool our children. It was incredibly difficult to keep up with everything. I felt so out of touch with who I am. I missed being home with my children dreadfully!! There was no time to just sit and be with my children. I had to correct their work, teach them new lessons, plan future lessons, and run off to work.

I am still working but right now it's only on Saturday and Sunday. I will still be out of fellowship with my church until the time comes that I can completely leave my job. Or until my employer decides that my availability is no longer an asset to the company.

BUT!!! I am home Monday through Friday! I don't have to hurry a lesson to be on time for work. I can sit and chase rabbit trails with them. I can stop and answer those never ending questions that come to their little minds when we are reading a story.

My home is my Treasure Cove. Here I can set anchor, and put behind me the troubling sea. It is my shelter from the storm.

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