January 31, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

We started getting the Sunday paper because I started playing the grocery game (still in trial phase will post on that when/if I decide to join). I've always wanted the kids to read and discuss articles from the local paper. Today I gave them their first assignment. I'm surprised but they actually enjoyed it. I just typed up about 7 questions for them to answer from an article that we all read. Why haven't I been doing this from the beginning? It was super fast and easy. We will probably be doing this every week now. I did think about subscribing to the daily paper but then that would just become another chore and I have enough to do as it is.

We are going to a friends house for lunch today. Sometimes it is so nice to just put school aside and go hang out with someone. I'm looking forward to the "girl time".

Ahhhhhh...I can not believe how much more at peace I feel. I'm still amazed at how clearing out a little junk can really clear up brain fog. I literally couldn't concentrate and was easily irritated. I felt like there was no room to work in; like everything was falling in around my head.

Well, after our visit with friends we will come home and get our math done. Then I will work on my scrapbook. It's been a long time since I've made room in my day for a hobby.

Link to the grocery game for anyone who is interested: www.grocerygame.com

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