June 10, 2008

Blog Challenge

Name one thing you would change about your wedding and why. There is a restriction though. You can't change the groom.
One thing I would change about my wedding would be to have my wedding and my reception on the same day. I was preggars with Ishmael when Leon and I were engaged. I decided getting married before he was born was very important to me. I also decided I didn't want to be pregnant at my reception. I also wanted family who were going to come from across the country to be able to meet my new baby. So I was married on February 4 at the JOP, Ishmael was born February 25, and we had my reception on April 17.
So, I think I would like to have had a more traditional type of wedding. Though, in the circumstance we were in, getting married quick was a necessity.
I wouldn't change the groom for anything in the world ;-) .

1 comment:

  1. We had a separate wedding and reception too. Jason and I were married in December 99 and then his mom threw us a party in February 00. :-) I also found out I was pregnant w/ Zachary that month. :-D


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