February 16, 2010

WFMW--Shopping Bags


I almost never pick up things on a whim these days. We plan and budget everything we buy. BUT I was at the mall and these fun little shopping bags were on clearance! They are perfect. They fold up and go in this little pouch. The pouch is just the right size for my purse.

The bags are a great size and surprisingly strong. They are very pretty too. It makes me WANT to use them! And since they are already in my purse I have no excuse! I still keep the other ones in my car for the big grocery trips. I don't have quite enough to completely say no to the plastic ones, but I'm getting there.

Fun market bags to help take care of our created Earth??? Works for me!

[Join Kristen over at We Are THAT Family for her Works For Me Wednesdays blog meme.]


  1. Cute! We have some of the way less cute walmart ones, but keep forgetting to actually use them.

  2. those are really cute, and i love that they fit in your purse.

    i bought some nice, sturdy ones at reusablebags.com and i love them because 3-4 bags will hold an entire cart-ful of groceries. plus, they're helpful for traveling and carting random stuff around. i keep some in my mudroom and some in my car so i don't forget to use them.

  3. Those are cute! I'm trying to build up my supply as well. You would think I'd just sew or knit them, lol.

  4. Those ones are super cute and I love how small they can be!!

  5. Those are really cute! I always like the small ones that I can toss in my purse. I have a good supply of reusable bags, but none of them are that pretty!

  6. Thanks for stopping at my blog. These bags are really cute and so handy! I also scrolled down and saw your haircut pictures - so cute!

  7. I got a bag like that while I was at Blissdom. It is so cool. When I saw the pouch, I thought, "What in the world is in there?" Wow -- it was crazy for a big shopping bag to come out of it!

  8. Great idea! I'm going to look for some.

  9. I LOVE those bags! How awesome that they are so small.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about my all my crazy comment security! I had no idea that so many security steps were enabled. I fixed it :)

  10. Those are cute and love how they fold up so small, too! :D


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