February 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary Leon

Today is my anniversary! Leon and I have been married for ELEVEN years. I can't believe so much time has passed!


We have had so to many happy years together!

I'm sorry for all the times:

I asked, "When is Superbowl Saturday?"
I drank the last of your soda.
"Borrowed" one of your pens.
Threw away something important.
Asked for one of your chicken nuggets but took two.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for understanding my need to:

Squeeze my eyes shut AND plug up my ears when we watch a scary movie
Obsess over teeny tiny details until my project is "perfect"
rearrange our home 3, sometimes 4, times a year
to wrap up tightly in the covers even on hot summer nights

I love the way you:

Smell in the morning before work.
Tell me no, you won't stop at the store for chocolate on your way home...but do it anyway
Read my mind and just know when I've had a bad day.
Have compassion on small children and helpless animals but won't let anyone see you.

I love you! You are my best friend. The love of my life. Here's to the rest of our life, Babe!


  1. "Tell me no, you won't stop at the store for chocolate on your way home...but do it anyway" -- I was snickering over that. I requested Ghiradelli choco. from Sid Saturday.



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