This was the boys first camping experience. They enjoyed every minute of it.
Cub Scout City:
Our friend Mr. Pyle and Mr. Lugo conspired to wish someone special a happy birthday. They sang to her at breakfast. In front of everyone. She was so thrilled...
It rained almost all of Saturday. It was a fine misty rain, but it was still cold and wet.
I tried to keep the boys in their parkas. Jeremiah and Joshua had been having asthma flairs more frequently and I really didn't want sick kids on my hands. Needless to say, they didn't stay on long.
Pack 401
The kids learned a lot of fun new games...and songs...
Finally, the clouds parted, and we had a few minutes of relief from the rain. Really, just a few minutes.
All of the boys agree, their favorite part was shooting the bb guns.
This what Pack 401 does in their spare time:
(don't worry, we made them take it down, all we left behind were footprints)
Kelsea is very good at telling campfire stories. She had quite an audience.
And we all took home some chest congestion from the rain.
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