January 20, 2008

Snow Day...I Think

We got some snow here. It wasn't much. Just enough to dust the surface a bit. Still, if you haven't seen a real snow in three years it is exciting and worth grabbing the camera for.

This guy melts my heart. Lord help me those dimples get me every time.

It's hard to get a picture of this kid. He is at the age that he runs from the camera, unless he's bribed or threatened.

The kids collected snow to make a pile. Isn't this pitiful?

Is it more pitiful that they fought over the right to this tiny pile of snow?

Me: "Oh look guys. There's snow on this tree! We have get winter scene picture for my scrapbook!"

8yo: "Aww come on mom. Don't you have enough pictures?"

7yo: "Sure, whatever." Because he's game but has to play it cool.

5yo: "Okay! Want I should put my arms around my brother and look cute?"

5yo's are good like that.

But just so I stay humble:

For the record, that is snot, blood, drool, and tears all over his face. We had a casualty on the ice. :( Poor guy.

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